i love the hand painted sign.
i'm a sucker for it.
that script is so adorable!
and the typeface for "BASS", well... i could design an entire font family based on that. in fact, it sort of reminds me of tarzana, the emigre font.
but more importantly, i love to see that signs like this still exist in midtown.
from my very limited exposure to it, one of the things i loved most about LA, and i think i mentioned this is my LA blog post, but one of the things i loved about that place was the old signage.
it's funny how on the west coast, it feels like they are more inclined to preserve that old stuff, where in NY, it's all about the new.
i had an interesting conversation with my friend cicero about this today on our lunch hour. we went to this really great german place on 9th ave near 50th st. and he was telling me about an old article that he came across, it was an interview with the guys from alleged gallery on the LES [lower east side of manhattan] and there was this bit where, once they got a little more successful, once they had a little cash, a little time, every now and again, they would come across an old painted sign on a building off a sidewalk or something in the neighborhood, and they'd offer their services to the shopkeeper to repaint it. because to them, it was preserving the feel of the neighborhood. it was an investment in what was there, not what you wanted to come. a bunch of new vinyl awnings or gaudy shiny things would have detracted from the character of the place.
ros, or anyone else that has read about this, can you chime in if my facts are wrong? i don't really know much about alleged and wouldn't want to get something like that wrong.
ugh, i better get to sleep...
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