so this is sort of off topic of what i usually do here at this blog. well, not that there is generally a topic, but if there was, this would be off of it.
i realized the other day that i needed a new logo for myself. i recently quit my job and am doing a bunch of freelance work and decided that it was about time that i re-did my website [not done yet!] and made a better effort at marketing myself.
part of that process is business cards, new logo, etc. and for this logo, i was stumped. yeah, nothing. no ideas. blank. YUK. but in joking conversations with friends, i thought aloud that i'd love to have my own crest. so as i was discussing the objects on my crest with my friend chris while we were fishing, i thought why the fuck not make this crest my logo.
feeling all ultra creative, i sketched for a couple of days, discussed with other friends over lunches, then finally came home and started designing my dope ass crest.
only to realize that, well... i was not alone in thinking that a crest would be a dope logo.
the top pic is from a building in midtown manhattan. it's a part of rockefeller center. yeah, crests. old ass crests too. very anglo, but none the less a crest.
and the second shot of from an inget of gold. a new inget of gold. my girlfriend is a jewler and shot this little camera phone pic of another crest.
also they're on a garage door down the block from where she lives as well. but i'll get to that another day maybe.
and this final pic, well... that's my logo. the, what's the word, heraldy? the heraldy is as such: the book is for portfolio, the "R" is for fonts, the hat is for a bio, and the brass knuckles are for contact. also the colored backgrounds, CMYK, and the stars, RGB.
i'm not really sure if i'm going to keep my logo. i worked on it for a minute, but there are some other examples out there that are really amazing.
check these out:
i think a firm called strawberry frog did this. it's amazing. they did such a fucking great job on this! seriously, it's smart and funny and slick as all fuck.
and then there's these guys:
search for "crest". they really did their homework on this too. all such great adornments!
so in conclusion, i did a crest, but lots of people did better crests than me. but that's ok, because it's good to see talented people in this world doing great work. and someday, maybe i'll do some great work too.
more posts on other stuff soon!
new crest as top pic. i saw this on my german lunch hour [see previous post] and used ciceros iphone to snap a quick pic of it. it's fucking RAD! i love the shit out of that!
Your crest is awesome!
thanks doug! thanks for noticing! you rock!
Love the hat~
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