so i've got this archive of weird typographic shots i've taken over the years. it's not huge by any stretch of the imagination. nor is it any good to be perfecly honest. well, maybe a couple of shots here and there aren't that bad. so i'm going to post those in the coming days.
these particular shots are as folows:
the gothic mosaic "R" is in my local subway station. it's a sign for something something the redeamer church. and while the church has never held my attention, that R is just sublime.
the bayer milk truck is just an old, not so well done script. which, i love.
that last R was taken many years ago out at floyd bennett field in brooklyn. it's painted on the side of an old airplane hangar. the site itself is amazing. it's this old, decomissioned airfield from WWII, and is just sick with history. but this R is one of my favorite images from the decay there.
i'm sure there's more to say about all of this, but i'm trying to set up a 401k and it's confusing the shit out of me, so i should try and get back to that.
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