here are a couple of shots of some of my favorite nyc dive bars. like my friend marcus and i were talking about the other day, they have that old times square neon sign vibe that i miss about the disneyfied, too crowded, too clean, too corporate, non prostitute and xxx thearter new times square.
that subway inn sign is really cool though. it's got such style! it makes almost no sense. the word subway is on a slight arch, that s is a different style completely, and the inn is in italic. but somehow, SOMEHOW, it all works out beautifully.
and the old town sign. it's just so... to the point! its no frills style fits the charecter of the place just perfectly.
one more note of interest, i went to old town the other day, and noticed that the sign was no longer up. i freaked! but i asked around, and well, it's out for repairs.
hopefully they won't screw it up!
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