Thursday, September 30, 2010

another theater

it's pronounced thee-ey-ter.
at least by the uneducated, according to the internets.

but yes, yes, there are some great theater signs up in the theater district, here in nyc.
in fact, these signs are probably my favorite part of broadway.


Wednesday, September 29, 2010


this shot is from a billiards table at one of my favorite bars in brooklyn.
i've been seeing it for years and just never managed to snag a decent shot of it.

i love the structured script as a logo.
it's pretty tight.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

i love this

back in my youth, i did certain... things.
but never anything like this.
never at this scale, or this skill.

as a graphic designer nowadays, i spend my days TRYING to do things like this. just, not in the language of graff.

i love words. type.
i think letter forms are beautiful.
and they have a language all their own, independent of meaning.

but aside from all the bla bla bla.
it's just a really fucking cool looking wall.

i could seriously gush about this all day.
but in the interest of time, i'll stop here.



Thursday, September 9, 2010

theater district, nyc

ok, there are actually tons of great theater signs in and around broadway/42nd street.
i've got a few old ones in my phone here and there, but the shots never look as cool as the signs [same is true here].

but there are some real gems out there.
bigger stars than on the stage.

gotta love 'em.


one more shot from spain

this one feels a little like the crummy type doodles i was doing a couple months back. only, you know... good.

i think it's from san sebastian.
it looks like basque language. they love "x's" over there. all up in everything.


Thursday, September 2, 2010

down in dumbo

this is in a lobby in an old building in dumbo.
i think it's pretty neat.

and you know what else is pretty neat?
gettin' paaaaaaaaaid!

it had been so long since i visited my own blog, i had no idea there were ads on it.
well, now there are.

maybe if you click on one, i'll make a few bucks?

go on, DO IT!

thank you in advance.


spain, part ll

more good stuff.



the long overdue spain post

yes yes yes, it's been a long, long time since i posted anything.
so, hopefully these images will make up for some of it. i do consider them to be among the best on this blog. they are all from spain. some from barcelona, some from san sebastian, and some from madrid.

i hope you enjoy.
oh, that roca, with the dope R?
it's from the bidet in the hotel room.

gotta love that shit.
good. clean. fun.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

fa fa philly...

couple of shots form my weekend trip to philly.
these are from the jewelry district. hence, the "diamonds".

