it's been quite some time since my last post. i'd love to say that it's because i've been out and about in the world taking pics of type from here to dubai. but the fact of the matter is that i've been just plain lazy.
my bad.
but that's all going to change!
for the moment at least.
next week my girlfriend and i are going to new orleans. i am so excited about it, i really am! and i'm going to have my camera strapped to my dick so i don't miss a minute of the action.
er... yeah, didn't mean that porn style.
just that i'll be strapped and will shoot every piece of sweet sweet type that i come across.
so check back here in a couple of weeks, and i'll hopefully have posted some tasty tidbits of type.
in the mean time, i'm going to check my archives for SOMETHING to post, and hopefully get that up by the end of the weekend.
and to all of you that wrote in with concern about my lack of posts in '09, i thank you, and i appologize for my lazyness.
nah, just kidding.
no one ever wrote in.
stay tuned!